Playing video games has become an inseparable part of modern people’s life. The stress and pressure from the fierce competition at work and school also increase the demand for more fun video games. Because of this situation, gaming technology also has evolved. It becomes a form that people in the past never imagined before. It also brings the gaming industry to a level never been seen.
One of the essential technologies that have changed the gaming industry’s face is facial recognition technology. It allows the developer to scan the real model, which is human, to be used as the game character. Therefore, the character in video games becomes more alive and humane, thanks to this technology. It gives new depth to the gaming story, which creates the connection between the game and the player. Thus, the market gaming becomes even bigger and stronger than ever.
Microsoft, the big corporate in IT technology, also contributes a lot towards this development. One of their creations is the Intel Real Sense. It is a 3D camera for scanning an object. The game developer uses it to scan the model face. Then, based on that data, the developer can involve more natural expression on the game character.
This unique camera detects unique 78 points on a person’s face. Then, it creates the 3D model based on that point and vertex. The result is a ready-to-use 3D model for gaming and animation. Moreover, this technology also helps the developer to save more budget and time for developing the character. In the past, the designer might require months or years to create the 3D model with high accuracy. This camera can do it much faster, even within a day.
This unique gaming technology comes with another technology that allows the video game to become perfect. The power of the graphic processing unit has increased significantly. The 8-bit graphic is no longer the amazing visual one can see in a game. Now, it is the era of ultra-high-definition. It can show the highest detail of the graphic. The 8-bit, now, is a way for the gamer to enjoy the nostalgic feeling of playing the old game.
The combination of accurate 3D scanning technology and high-definition graphics gave a born to close-to-reality level video games. It feels like watching something right outside our windows. It is just as real as that. And, it doesn’t stop from that point.
Virtual reality technology will become an essential point of the gaming industry. We can see it displayed at several gaming conventions. The gamer can enter the game as a character and interact with objects and the environment in the game.
Moreover, many graphic artists even depict it clearly with the whole body augmented reality. It might be only science fiction and fantasy story, now. But, we expect that will not last long. Everything we see today was seen as fantasy and imagination before. We only need to wait and see what kind of new gaming technology emerges from this industry in the future.